From structures to envelopes, materials play an important role in architecture, defining finishes, sustainable strategies, cost, life-cycle performance or thermal and acoustic efficiency.
striking ship-like hotel proposed as new Shoreditch landmark
A new mixed-use building, which includes a hotel, cinema and retail space, could become the latest eye-catching landmark in London’s most creative neighbourhood.
building products for sustainable design
As architects, we have a social responsibility to promote environmental equality. To fight climate change, we need to cut back on energy consumption costs for buildings. We start by designing for sustainability.
the controversy of flat roofs
The building’s roof is not just a dispensable component in construction. It is a distinctive element with a rich history of typology.
aqso and cca awarded for Liuzhou museum
The proposal for the new Industrial museum in Liuzhou presented by CCA and AQSO has been awarded the 3rd prize in the restricted competition organised by the local government. The museum is intended to use a 62000 sqm old factory near the Liu river in the second largest city in the Guangxi province (China).
using authentic eco-friendly building products
Advanced technologies in materials engineering continuously pave the way for the manufacturing of synthetic materials. Building typologies which once exhibited natural and organic surface materials are now replaced with composites, plastics and resins. However, specifications on the form, particularly on the façade itself, channel directly into its users the perception, character and function of the […]
parametric design challenges
Long gone are the traditional boxy building forms. With advanced computer algorithms in place, what was once unattainable is now made possible. Complex geometrical building patterns such as curvatures or hyperbolic paraboloid shells are now becoming the norm.
communicating design with 3D prints
Architecture starts with an idea. It is the communication of a vision into a concrete form. Translating this concept into 2D visual presentations has always been the norm. With the advent of 3D printing, the interpretation of an idea into a tangible physical model is now garnering attention.
open arte-fact exhibited in Beirut
The proposal for the house of arts, a large cultural building to be built in Lebanon, will be exhibited along with the rest of participants of the international competition between 23 March & 14 April 2009 at the Forum de Beyrouth.
social club completed in Tabuyo
The works for the interior design of this social club in Tabuyo have been recently completed. Characterized by simple materials and indirect lighting, this project comprises a multipurpose room, a dining room, storage, and toilets.
acoustical design in auditoriums
The high sonic quality of the classical amphitheatres provided the basic acoustic principles of contemporary auditoriums. As technology improves, certain acoustic design principles are augmented. For example, the geometry of the stepped stalls can now be retracted and lifted using air castor technology.
prefabricated construction in Anguix
The construction works for this multifunctional building designed by AQSO have recently started with the assemblage of modular concrete elements to be part of the structure and façade.
finishes specification
Finishes specification involves detailing a list of all the materials in the final parts of the project. The file contains commercial products available in the market following technical, functional, aesthetic, and economic criteria ‒ price and maintenance costs.
GFRC, the lightweight concrete
Composite materials are on a strong upsurge as demands in the construction industry rise up. Wood and plastic are pressed and moulded together in compression. Steel rebars are embedded in a concrete matrix to form a rigid reinforced material. As technology advances, so does the building material.
self-fab house
This publication features a selection of experimental projects about self-fabrication, with articles written by Vicent Guallart, Lucas Capelli and Willy Müller among others.
precast concrete advantages
Back in the ancient times, Romans pioneered and extended the use of precast concrete, but this architectural and engineering feat in building technology is far from over. Advanced innovations in precast concrete paved the way for faster design and construction timeline.
‘ramp up the mun’ shortlisted for e10
AQSO’s proposal for the Boilerhouse studios in Dublin, an urban regeneration project including cultural and residential spaces in Ballymun, has been shortlisted for the 10th edition of Europan.
Harvest Home awarded by the IaaC
The self-sufficient house Harvest Home has been given an award in the ‘2nd Advanced Architecture Contest’, an international competition organized by the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia.
room #21
Room is a magazine focusing on innovation and contemporary creativity. The journal features the last trends in architecture, interior design, art, industrial design and visual communications, and it has become a remarkable platform for avant-garde designers and intellectually enthusiastic readers.
special mention for atienza hall
AQSO has been awarded an honorable mention for the restoration of Santa Maria de Atienza in Huete, Spain. A simply folded steel piece covers the remains of the church and creates a space from which to contemplate the landscape.
old is new at Today Art Museum
On the occasion of the the 70th Anniversary of John Lennon’s Birth, Beijing-based Today art museum organized last October 16th an outdoor event including multimedia video projections, poetry readings, music performances and discussions under the name “old is new“.
why choosing colours is harder than it looks
Colours are all around us, and they have a powerful psychological effect on our emotions and behaviours. But what is colour, why do we see it the way we do and how colourful architecture can impact our actions and emotions?
possible architecture
The project for a music centre in Soria has been selected for inclusion in the ‘Arquitecturas posibles’ exhibition organized by agoras.arq. The exhibition will be held in the MUVa Museum, Santa Cruz Palace, Valladolid, Spain, from October 3rd.
lighting study
Lighting studies are scientific analyses of the illumination requirements of space, to guarantee comfort and energy-efficiency conditions.
the illusion of weightless architecture
High-tech advancements in structural engineering give birth to the reality of intricate architectural designs. Building typologies now exceed what was once compromised because of traditional methods. The advent of Information Age will continuously break ground for the optimisation of structural systems. As innovations surge, the potential for growth in the industry provides more opportunities.
Carola furniture series
On the last few months, we have been working on an exciting outdoor furniture project: the Carola Collection, a minimalist and simple furniture design inspired by the bright colours of the sunny Mediterranean regions.
net-zero waste in construction
Landfills are filling up incessantly, and the construction sector is accountable for 40% of the waste. The waste generated in the life-cycle of a building accounts not only from the construction itself but more so on the phases of design, operation and demolition.
defining structural systems: concrete vs steel
The structural framework is the spine of a building. Therefore, caution against the choice of material should be carefully exercised. Concrete and steel, or reinforced concrete, delivers a rigid structural system when combined.
W salon opening
The interior of a hair salon in Beijing designed by AQSO has been recently completed.
physical models
Physical models are copies to scale of structures or buildings ‒ with the aim to study design features, analyse a building or space within its context, and convey conceptual ideas.
structural systems
Structural systems are the bearing components that, working together, can transmit the building’s loads to the foundation, guaranteeing balance and stability without suffering incompatible distortions.