possible architecture
The project for a music centre in Soria has been selected for inclusion in the ‘Arquitecturas posibles’ exhibition organized by agoras.arq. The exhibition will be held in the MUVa Museum, Santa Cruz Palace, Valladolid, Spain, from October 3rd.
acoustical design in auditoriums
The high sonic quality of the classical amphitheatres provided the basic acoustic principles of contemporary auditoriums. As technology improves, certain acoustic design principles are augmented. For example, the geometry of the stepped stalls can now be retracted and lifted using air castor technology.
a map of hutopolis
A Map of Hutopolis contains the result of a research program about the urban development in China. The book envisions in a map solutions to the problems provoked by the radical development going on in the biggest country in Asia.
room #21
Room is a magazine focusing on innovation and contemporary creativity. The journal features the last trends in architecture, interior design, art, industrial design and visual communications, and it has become a remarkable platform for avant-garde designers and intellectually enthusiastic readers.
Lisbon Architecture Triennale
Next October AQSO will participate at the third edition of the 2013 Lisbon Architecture Triennale presenting the documentary ‘3×3 projects in contexts’ at the ‘Expo 7×7 Iberian Architecture’.
analysing the customer journey
Circulation in public buildings is a critical factor to consider in the design process. Flow becomes the emblem of the building’s concept and even shapes its form. In simplistic terms, it is how people move and interact with space.
(un)made in China
The exhibition (un)made in China, organized by Cannon Design opened last Thursday at the ‘Ide@s gallery’ in Shanghai. The retrospective features a selection of twelve projects developed by international offices and aims to show not only the value of the architecture itself, moreover the process and the experience of these architects when facing the challenge […]
special mention for atienza hall
AQSO has been awarded an honorable mention for the restoration of Santa Maria de Atienza in Huete, Spain. A simply folded steel piece covers the remains of the church and creates a space from which to contemplate the landscape.
Carola furniture series
On the last few months, we have been working on an exciting outdoor furniture project: the Carola Collection, a minimalist and simple furniture design inspired by the bright colours of the sunny Mediterranean regions.
plug and play
Soria is a small city in north-central Spain. The city was founded in the 4th century BC in the banks of the Duero River. At that time the location along the watercourse was strategic for defence, however, now the valley is not a priority in the city’s development. Several historical buildings are located along the […]
arquia proxima 2012
Arquia/próxima is a cultural program sponsored by the Caja de Arquitectos foundation aiming to support Spanish Architects.
social club completed in Tabuyo
The works for the interior design of this social club in Tabuyo have been recently completed. Characterized by simple materials and indirect lighting, this project comprises a multipurpose room, a dining room, storage, and toilets.
prefabricated construction in Anguix
The construction works for this multifunctional building designed by AQSO have recently started with the assemblage of modular concrete elements to be part of the structure and façade.
singular concepts
Singular Concepts contains a collection of the most significant projects classified by typologies. The book focuses on the conceptual ideas of each proposal and the creative process behind the final result.