Design workshops actively involve our clients in the creative process behind the design development. Accordingly, the workshop typically leads to a collective analysis and exploration of the design options developed by our team.
The discussion progresses around a series of well-regimented exercises, conceptualised to obtain results in well-aimed project areas.
It involves decision-making strategies, completing critical tasks, and achieving the project’s goals by clarifying and tackling potential issues.
The workshop is a face-to-face meeting lasting 2-3 hour. Once concluded, a report including the client’s feedback is prepared, efficiently becoming a reference for the development of the next stages.
Workshops are used to identify the project’s critical steps and offer our clients the opportunity of a proactive, technical team: ready to answer their questions and to solve their doubts in a meticulously-organised session.
Workshops also strengthen communication between all parties, helping to concretise the design stages and to plan the following steps for the next one.
Concept Design, Schematic Design