structural systems

Structural systems are the bearing components that, working together, can transmit the building’s loads to the foundation, guaranteeing balance and stability without suffering incompatible distortions.

building services

Mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) are the systems guaranteeing the comfort and habitability of a building. For such purpose, they are designed taking carefully into account all the other formal and technical aspects of the building.

quantity survey and cost plan

Quantity surveys are detailed reports that break down the list of items necessary for project execution into sections. Each of these items, known as a budget line, includes a measurement unit and a description of the materials and labor required for the work.

value engineering

Value engineering is a process in which corrective measures are applied to reduce the project’s cost, conforming, though, as much as possible to the original requirements of function, quality and comfort.

technical reports

Technical reports are documents that describe the characteristics of the project from different approaches, complementing the information provided in the drawings with scientific data.